News & Articles

Transparently.AI wins coveted spot with Silicon Valley accelerator

Transparently.AI beats hundreds of rivals to nab invite into Plug & Play’s renowned Fintech Accelerator Program.

As regulators get fraud savvy …

As regulators improve their fraud detection it will be imperative for investors to employ sophisticated tools of their...

Image of a man in a business suit watering a tiny plant in a desert.

Virtue signalling with a company name

Early evidence suggests virtue signalling with a company name may be associated with weaker financial performance and...

Image of a smartphone with the Big 4 auditors' branded apps displayed on the screen.

The Big 4 do better audits – confirmed

Firms NOT audited by the Big 4 are 3x more likely to exhibit significant manipulation of their accounts. Yet Chinese...

A stock investor crying as he watches a small-cap stock plunge on his screen.

Small is Beautiful: Passive investment in small caps makes no sense

If one wishes to exploit opportunities in small caps, one must find a manager that focuses, above all else, on...

Image of a compliance expert reacting in shock to rising costs, as visualised by dollar signs emanating from her laptop.

Technology solutions needed to overcome soaring compliance costs

Soaring compliance costs will swamp the benefits of ESG investing unless regulators and investors embrace...

Let’s put some real G into ESG

None of the metrics for ESG include a serious attempt to measure accounting manipulation, except for that offered by...

Assets frozen

With the macro backdrop the way it is, there’s going to be a lot more businesses being “exposed” over the next year....

Accounting Manipulation: Cooking the Books

Accounting manipulation is especially acute when companies are stressed…which is one reason why we are seeing so many...