Exclusive to AIMA Members

Get 20% off Transparently subscriptions

What AIMA members get with our advanced AI system

Access to full forensic reports within seconds for every public company and any year
100% coverage of public companies globally
Stocks must have at least 3 years of financials and excluding banks and insurers
+95% productivity gains for forensic analysis and research teams
our Awards and accreditations
Our awards and accreditations

your discount code


The code enables a 20% discount at check-out. Valid until December 31st 2025. The discount applies to the first year of subscription. That is a maximum of 12 monthly billings. Use the discount in combination with other promotions.

Exclusive to AIMA Members

Enhance portfolio risk-return

The Transparently Risk Score is a predictor of returns

Identifying accounting manipulators isn’t just about protecting your portfolio against bad actors - it’s about returns. There is a powerful correlation between the Transparently Risk Score and future stock returns: we observe a 30%+ median spread in future 12-month returns between companies with high and low risk scores.

Due Diligence

Inform your due diligence with a new perspective on fundamentals. Leverage the Transparently Rating to find overvalued stocks with aggressive accounting practices, then deep dive into areas that need your attention using the 14 risk clusters and the 200+ underlying models. Our methods of identifying accounting risk go beyond traditional techniques and offer an alternative data source in your investment process.

Risk Management

Transparently’s system can predict over 90% of collapses, on average, 2-3 years in advance. Understand your risk exposure early on and reduce potential losses.

Our solutions

Make decisions with our Dashboard

Review each company’s Transparently Rating for a given year and perform due diligence on current and potential stock picks with the Transparently Dashboard. Quickly hone into which of the 14 risk clusters drive a company’s rating to help you make informed, confident investment decisions aligned with your portfolio strategy.

Our solutions

Check with Luca

Think of Luca as your forensic accounting assistant. Converse with our GenAI agent about the financial statements of over 85,000 companies, and have Luca deliver rapid insights and interactive visualizations in seconds. With Luca, you can manage your accounting risk exposure, enhance stock selection and expedite decision making.

I am a portfolio manager. What is the most important area of Novela Automotor’s accounts that I should investigate?
Profile image of a woman
The top area to investigate is Business Manipulation. There is significant unusual inventory activity. Investigate sales and production activity to determine the nature and risk posed by these changes.
Let me know if you'd like more detail on Novela Automotor's accounts, including other risk areas.
Our solutions

Seamless API integration

Integrate insights directly into your existing systems to streamline your portfolio analysis and automate processes.

Our technology

How does it work?

We pride ourselves on our commitment to accuracy and innovation. Our advanced AI solution utilizes over 200 models trained with millions of data points, empowering portfolio managers to detect fraud and manipulation with unparalleled precision.