Software to enhance due diligence

Due diligence is time and labour intensive. We offer an AI-powered tool that dramatically slashes the hours and cost.

Fraud in a company's accounts and financial statements is a key factor due diligence seeks to uncover. 

While billions of dollars are invested annually in this process, auditors uncover malfeasance in a company's accounts only 3% of the time.

Transparently.AI's software analyses the financial statements of public companies for manipulation and fraud. Our product promises to revolutionise due diligence.


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How our software works

The Manipulation Risk Analyzer

During due diligence, it can take weeks or months to analyze the financial risk of one company. 

Our AI-powered Manipulation Risk Analyzer generates highly accurate risk reports for any organization - and for any financial year - within seconds.

Its machine-learning algorithm digs into large financial data sets, unearthing accounting red flags the human eye might miss.

The system generates a 0-100% score as well as an A+ to F rating for each company that measures the likelihood it's manipulating its accounts.

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Enhance your due diligence processes

Whatever your function, use our AI software to supercharge your work.

Asset managers

Conducting due diligence on the thousands of companies traded on exchanges around the world is time consuming. Whatever your strategy or time horizon, our AI solution can vastly speed up due diligence in your investment process.

  • Enhanced stock selection: We offer a foolproof way to identify the safest and cleanest companies to invest in. Use our AI-powered due diligence software to boost your conviction in your investment idea. Improve your stock picks and boost your returns.

  • Portfolio risk management: Using our software in your due diligence process allows you to identify and limit your exposure to risky companies. Manage your portfolio risk with artificial intelligence.


As an auditor, your job is to establish and verify the provenance of company accounts. Using our software to conduct due diligence can help you with:

  • Client onboarding and risk assessments: New clients bring new opportunities as much as they do new challenges. We offer an AI solution that gives you forensic-level analysis and allows you to weigh audit risk as you bid for new clients. 

  • Audit planning: You're committing resources to execute the audit now and you need to be confident are you that you've accurately identified the specific areas of risk for your client. Well-designed audit procedures don't matter if you're looking in the wrong places. Use our AI tool to help you build a true story of what's going on in a client's accounts.

  • Reputation management: Failure to conduct adequate due diligence on a client carries the risk of blowing your reputation as an auditor. Using our software in your due diligence process can ensure your client portfolio's audit quality is consistent and to the standard that you desire. Safeguard your firm's reputation and protect it from legal and financial consequences.

Fraud analysts

Whether you work for a bank, an insurer, a property company or a government agency, you specialize in assessing patterns, transactions, and behaviors to detect suspicious activities that indicate fraud. Due diligence is an important component of fraud analysis, especially when investigating potential fraud or assessing the risk of fraudulent activities within a company:

  • Fraud risk assessment: Due diligence helps fraud analysts evaluate the risk of fraudulent activities within a company. Our system allows you to identify potential vulnerabilities or red flags that may indicate fraud. By conducting due diligence, you can better understand the risk landscape and develop appropriate strategies to prevent or detect fraud.

  • Vendor and supplier assessments: Due diligence is crucial when evaluating vendors and suppliers. Fraud analysts verify the legitimacy of these entities, review their financial stability, reputation, and history of conducting business. Our software allows you to surface this information at scale, helping your organization to make informed decisions about engaging with these entities and mitigating the risk of fraud.

  • Mergers and acquisitions: When a company is involved in mergers, acquisitions, or partnerships, you may be involved in due diligence on the target company. Our solution allows you to examine financial records and identify fraud risks associated with the target accurately and efficiently.


Our product offers solutions to all banks, be it a bulge-bracket investment bank or a global commercial lender.

  • Risk assessment: Banks need to assess the risk associated with lending money or providing financial services to a company. Due diligence helps them evaluate the company's financial health, stability, and ability to meet its financial obligations. By conducting due diligence, banks can identify potential risks, such as credit risk, liquidity risk, or operational risk. Our solution enables you to make informed decisions on loan approvals, credit limits, or other financial arrangements.

  • Creditworthiness evaluation: Banks evaluate a company's creditworthiness to determine its ability to repay loans or fulfill financial obligations. Due diligence involves examining the company's financial statements, cash flow, debt levels, and credit history. Transparently.AI's software can help you assess a company's repayment capacity, financial stability, and overall creditworthiness.

  • Compliance and regulatory requirements: Your bank is subject to various compliance and regulatory obligations. You need to ensure that the companies you engage with comply with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. Using our system in your due diligence process can help you identify fraudulent companies that are in violation of legal and regulatory requirements. Identify these risks to mitigate legal and reputational consequences.

  • Mergers and acquisitions: Your bank conducts due diligence to evaluate the viability and potential risks associated with merger and acquisition transactions that you're advising on, or seeking to finance. Use our software to assess the financial integrity of the target company for the buyer that you're advising, or to assess the feasibility of providing financing for the transaction.

  • Relationship management: Your bank conducts due diligence on corporate clients to establish a comprehensive understanding of their operations, risks, and financial needs in order to tailor financial solutions accordingly. Use Transparently.AI's system to dive deeply into a client's financials and develop a complete picture of its operations.

How we help

The pain points we solve


Speed up your analysis

Don’t spend weeks or months analyzing financial data points manually. Get the insights you need within seconds, and allow your financial analysts to work on more pressing tasks.


Get an accurate risk score

The Transparently MRA reduces the likelihood of human error and can unearth accurate signals of financial manipulation in vast quantities of diverse data.


Make better decisions

Using our scores and in-depth recommendation reports, you can understand which companies pose a risk and why. This will inform your future investigations and investment decisions.

Our customers

Who uses our due diligence solution?

Our software enhances due diligence for users across the financial services and audit industries. Our customers include:

  • A top 10 global bank
  • A top 10 sovereign wealth fund
  • Two of the Big Four auditors
  • A top 10 stock exchange
An image of Richard Firth talking about using Transparently.AI's software in his due diligence process.

Our accolades

Awards and accreditations

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Book a demo

If you’d like to see the mechanics of our software, schedule a live demo. We’ll walk you through how the platform works and how it can benefit you.